Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Decker household is very, VERY excited about the coming of our newest baby. Duke loves planning the things he will do with "sister" when she gets here. He really does seem to comprehend that she is in my tummy for now, but will be out sooner or later. We have 2 baby dolls at our house (a stroller too! How is that for politically correct, eh?). They were mine and I just can't seem to part with them. Anyway, Duke had been playing with his stuffed animals (current favorites: Windsor, Joe and Carrots) and one of the babies. He took his three animals to nap time with him and left the baby out on the floor. So, when I went in to get him up from nap I grabbed baby to toss her back in his toy box. When I opened his door he looked at me in a sleepy, disoriented, stupor. Then, he jumped up with a shocked look on his face and said, "Mommy! Did that baby come out?!" Oh Duke, if only it were that easy on Mommy to have a baby. You would surely have 5 siblings by now! Yes, while you were napping, I delivered our baby, dressed her, maintained my hair, makeup and clothes and walked in to your room to get you after major surgery. Did you have a nice nap? Sweet boy!

Oh, come to think of it, we have 3 dolls at our house. I loved dolls SO much as a child that the day we found out our baby was a "sister" my mom ran over with a "baby's first baby" doll for her new granddaughter. Duke and I started referring to the baby as "sister." Later, that night in the car on the way to church I said again to Duke, (he had already heard me say this 209354592035935 times that day) "Duke! YOU are going to have a SISTER!" He responded with, "I know. I left her at home." Daniel and I laughed our heads off. I told him he better brace himself for a lot more drama than "baby's first baby" brought with her.

I know I am biased, but I just think our baby girl is the most fortunate thing in the world to have him for a big brother. He plans to get her a Hotwheels car and teach her how to play, he wants to push her in the stroller on walks and take her to the park. He even asked me if he can rock her when she gets here. For all his rough and tough, he sure does have a tender heart.

Speaking of his tender heart, lately he has had a weakness for "tiny" things. If he sees a miniature anything he scrunches his face up (like as if it's the most compassionate he has ever felt in his entire life) and says in the slowest, most emotional and passionate voice: "Ooooo------ooohhhh a ti-------ny one!" If he sees a miniature car he just about needs a tranquilizer. He loves cars so much. People comment all the time that they cannot believe how much he loves cars. Most little boys love cars, but Duke would lay his life down to keep his cars lined up in a straight line. When he is riding in the car and sees a wrecked or dented car, it is about all he can take. Flat tires sometimes merit the same reaction. He will choke out, "That. Car. Is. Broken. That makes me sad, Mama." He reminds me of his Daddy, a man's man with a big heart.

1 comment:

  1. oh my word thinking about Duke and that baby doll is just precious. I saw this today and thought of you-

