Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just another ordinary, extrordinary day..

I will never stop being thankful for the gift of a stay at home baby. :D I absolutely love being here, pouring my best into my husband, son and home.. and jax too even though he smells really bad at the moment. Of course, if I was truly pouring my best into him specifically, I'd probably be bathing him instead of blogging. Let me start over again. I love pouring my best into my husband, son and home. Jax gets the leftovers ha! Ok, blah, blah. You probably tuned in to get an update on your ____ (fill in the blank here whatever Duke is to you, Grandson, nephew, etc.) not ramblings about a smelly dog. ANYWAY...

This morning when my stay-at-home baby woke up and started asking for me, I got him up and laid him down to change his diaper. He immediately pulled his monkey blanket (his security/cuddle item) over his face; thus starting his flirtatious game of peek-a-boo. I brought him in bed with me for about fifteen minutes to doze and cuddle. He was excited to see that Daddy was awake and kept pointing at him and smiling. Daniel headed off to work and we had breakfast, colored a picture, read books, crashed our toy cars into each other, played peek-a-boo, cleaned up 2 explosion diapers (each alternating with a head to toe bath), and had what we usually have for lunch: yesterday's dinner. After all of this, Duke started getting sleepy. Ready to get rocked in the mommy chair with monkey blanket and then off to nappers. I just love getting to spend the day together. We are so blessed, I don't have to miss out on these special things with him. I absolutely am convinced that this is 'as good as it gets.'

The other evening at the park a woman asked me: "So where do you work?" When i told her I am a stay at home mom she responded: "Oh. Do you have a degree or anything?" She didn't have a rude tone, I think she was merely curious. But still it made me curious if she thought I was missing out on something. Did she think I was neglecting a career? Actually what first came to my mind was: "Does she think I'm dumb? Maybe she thinks I am a stay at home because i can't get a job..." Then I was overtaken by a profound thought: 'Who stinkin' cares what she thinks?' Well, yes I do have a degree. I have a Communication degree and I use it every day loving my family at home. Now honestly, I would have dropped my education in a heart beat to pursue my dream of being a mom if God had allowed. He has His own timing about things. So I got the education, had six months of a "career," went to bed rest, and then to the full time task of turning a house into a nurturing home for the two guys I love most. Today I especially feel overwhelmed to praise the Lord for His provisions and for the opportunity to have a stay-at-home baby.

Speaking of communication, I realized recently that i had totally been misinterpreting Duke's intentions. Whenever I catch him doing something he isn't supposed to do, I kneel down and stand him up so that we are eye level before I correct him. Recently, when I get to this step he has just been reaching out and hugging me. Clinging to my neck with his head laying on my shoulder. Unfortunately me being the skeptic I was thinking: Smart guy. Hug me because you know you are adorable. Hug me because you know I can't resist. Avoid the issue. Well, no sir! You are going to look mommy in the eye and be accountable. I would insist that he look at me even when that meant refusing his sweet hug. It didn't take long before the Lord impressed on my heart that this was Duke's way of showing me repentance for what he had done. He wasn't avoiding the issue at all. Rather, he was immediately sorry for the issue. The Lord corrected me, that I need to receive that hug and immediately tell him: "I forgive you." Then and only then pull him to look eye to eye with him and firmly restate the correction. In spite of that 'communication degree' I so proudly stated to the woman to the park, I failed to correctly interpret the most basic infantile communication. "Simply to the cross I cling" apart from Him, I will always miss it. I have realized my tendency to fail to believe the best in my family. I am going to work on that. I don't like that about myself. I never have been motivated by people who seem to be skeptical of me either. When parents and teachers set a high expectations in front of me, that was when I rose to the challenge. So we got some work to do...but at least I get to be here to do it :D

(Side note: thanks mom and dad for all you sacrificed to fund that degree!)


  1. so perceptive Katie! i think most ordinary parents would still be misinterpereting dukes hug, but not you! I love that you have a blog...it makes me feel so close to you. I can already tell that the Lord has called you to feed His flock in an extraordinary way.

  2. I wish Kadence reached the repentance point....but she got my stubbornness and usually persists with her disobedience despite knowing the end result of punishment. :)
